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HomeNewsGrinches using Campbell River Hospital Auxiliary thrift shop as dumping ground

Grinches using Campbell River Hospital Auxiliary thrift shop as dumping ground

People are dumping their junk at the Campbell River Hospital Auxiliary thrift shop again.

On Sunday, a big mess was left to clean up at the thrift shop on 2nd Avenue.

This is nothing new.

Volunteer Shauna Delaurier said people using the store as a dumping ground, or stealing from the pile of unsorted donations, is an ongoing issue.

“It happens all the time – like, every day,” she said. “It’s usually just not that big of a mess. Our other issue is people go through our garbage and make big messes, too. It’s just dumping stuff when we’re not here to take it in.”

Money raised through sales in the gift and thrift shop goes to much-needed healthcare equipment at the local level, and to enhance the care and comfort of patients and their families.

Delaurier said the cleanup takes away from volunteer hours, and ultimately costs the auxiliary.

“It takes a lot of money away because they dump (items) and it’s raining and it’s wet, and it’s garbage, now,” she said. “And people rifle through it and they steal what they want to steal. It’s dumping fees that are taking away from us wanting to donate to the hospital and causes.”

She said most of the volunteers are 60 and older, so it’s a lot of them to do, to clean up the mess.

Her message to the culprits is simple: stop doing it.

“We appreciate their donations and all, but there are appropriate times to be doing it,” she said.

Small household items and clean clothes are accepted; big furniture and mattresses are not usable. 

“Whenever people dump all that stuff, it’s just a waste for us that we have to dispose of,” she said. “It’s a lot of work. If you would buy it, then that’s the stuff we want. We don’t want your garbage.”

Hours of operation:  Monday to Thursday from 10:00am to 2:00pm, Fridays from 10:00am to 4:00pm, and Saturdays from 10:00am to 3:00pm. 

It’s closed on Sundays.

Donation hours are Monday through Saturday from 7:00am to 6:00pm, Sundays from 12:00pm to 6:00pm, and holidays from 12:00pm to 6:00pm.

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